Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Last week I told you all about this blog/meme among writers, how I was "recruited" by L.L. Soares and asked to answer ten questions about my latest work (a novel to be called KUSHTAKA, The Faceless One for those keeping score).  In turn, I sought out several writers I admire, including Deborah LeBlanc, JW Schnarr and Dennis Copelan.
As Dennis hasn't set up his blog just yet, I thought we'd host him here at the Outpost. So, without further ado, here's Dennis!
1) What is the title of your next book/work?
I’m writing a collection of short stories for a book I intend to publish called WELCOME TO HOLLYWEIRD.  Within that collection, I’m currently polishing a story entitled "Moviola."
The dread Moviola...

 2) Where did the idea come from for the book/work?
I have always been fascinated with the seedy underbelly of Hollywood, people on the fringe, and their struggle to survive. My father was a film editor and I grew up in that environment.  With regard to "Moviola," I thought it would be interesting if a jealous film editor questioned his sanity because he was the only person who could see his wife having an affair on the film he ran through his editing machine.
3) What genre does your book/work fall under?
I usually write dark humor or horror stories.
4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Steve Buscemi as the film editor in Moviola.  Mila Kunis as his young wife, Marie.
Steve Buscemi and Mila Kunis
5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
WELCOME TO HOLLYWEIRD is a collection of horror, crime and supernatural short stories involving characters on the fringe of Hollywood, working in the motion picture, radio and television industry.
6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I am open to both, but am leaning toward self-publishing.  I intend to self-publish Moviola during early 2013.
 7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
At present, the book is still being written, and has taken over one-year.   I anticipate it will be completed in late 2013.
8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It is out of the genre, but DAY OF THE LOCUST by Nathaniel West has similar themes.
9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I was inspired by the comic books and television shows of my youth: EC's TALES OF THE CRYPT, Warren's CREEPY Magazine and THE TWILIGHT ZONE.  I also wanted to write like my two favorite writers, Kurt Vonnegut and Robert Sheckley.
10) What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?
I’ve done a lot of research, and the stories are historical in that they recreate various time periods in Hollywood during the last century.  In addition, due to the crime and horror stories, my mother is sure to hate it, which is a good sign.
The Red Car features prominently in one of
Dennis Copelan's "Hollyweird" stories.
I like to add a postscript - you'll find Dennis' poignant and vivid short story "The Theater" in FORSAKEN, the upcoming anthology I am co-editing with Joe McKinney for 23 House.



  1. Dennis, I'm a fan. I love "Moviola," "Red Car," "The Theater," and all your off-beat yet touching stories. You may have a seed of a marketing plan in this blog-post: "Stories my mother is sure to hate." Can you see that on the cover of your anthology?
    Mr. Buscemi would be just the right level of sick genius as the lead in "Moviola."
    Looking forward to your next Hollywood noir....

  2. Dennis is in good company - Dell put out a whole slew of thriller/horror stories in the 60's with Hitchcock's name on them, and titles like "Stories My Mother Never Told Me," with a caricature of a child Alfred Hitchcock on his mother's knee... Of course, his "mother" just happened to be The Grim Reaper - LOL.
